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KEY to ACT. 4 -Episode 20

_Q & A – Episode 20:

"If You Lived Here, You'd Be Home Now." -KEY

Q1 According to the video, what is the meaning of home for the expats?

For them home tends to be more about a feeling of community that they have with the people around them.

Q2 How many children from Korea have been adopted between 1953 and 2001?

Over a hundred and fifty thousand children.

Q3 When Ashley Guillaume was younger, did she have the intention to return to Korea in order to find her family? Why? Why not?

No, because she said that she already had a family.

Q4 Finally, Ashley decided to come to Korea to search for her birth family. Who did she find? How is the relationship between them?

She found her birthfather and her birthsister. Their relationship is still growing; Ashley says that it is hard to be really close to a stranger.

Q5 Why did Luis González come to Korea?

He did not choose to come to Korea, he was sent there by the Mexico government as his first post. He is a diplomat.

Q6 How many art pieces are there in the museum? From where do they come from?

There are more than one thousand five hundred art pieces from different countries in Latin America mostly from Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean.

Q7 Which are the presents Luis González believes that Mexicans are bringing with them?

Food, culture, music and some of the tastes that Mexicans enjoy.

Q8 It is known that Mexicans give a lot of importance to the face to face and a lot of respect to the time. According to Luis, how much time could a wedding last in Mexico? And in Korea?

A wedding in Mexico starts at noon and ends next day at noon while in Korea a wedding will start at one and will end at two.

Q10 How many years has Ide O’Connell been in Korea? Where does she have to move now with her family?

She has been there for eleven years and she is moving to Russia.

Q11 Ide O’Connell comes from Ireland. How does she feel when she returns to Ireland? Why?

She feels more like a tourist because she has been away for a long time and she has only returned to Ireland for short periods, maybe about two or three weeks for the entire time she had been away from Ireland.

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